a neon style backdrop of arcs from concentric circles
Photo Title: neon light curve
Keywords: circles, neon, thick, fat, glowing, glow, light, trail, long exposure, curve, line, vivid, bold, bright, colorful, colourful, coloured, pretty, abstract, background, backdrop, unusual, bizzare, effect, concentric, circular, arc
Filename: neon_concentric_lights.jpg
Author: creator
Photo Title: neon light curve
Keywords: circles, neon, thick, fat, glowing, glow, light, trail, long exposure, curve, line, vivid, bold, bright, colorful, colourful, coloured, pretty, abstract, background, backdrop, unusual, bizzare, effect, concentric, circular, arc
Filename: neon_concentric_lights.jpg
Author: creator
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1838-neon light curve - this image by creator is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
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