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linking to this site Link to Image search

You can add a link to search results from freeimages live by linking to

you can also link to all images in a specific category, to discover the url for this it's easier to use the search category with no keywords and click find (on the left hand menu) the url will look something like this (images categories are numeric)



rss sesrch feedRSS Search Feed

Insert 'feed' into the path of the search urls above and you can access an RSS feed of new images matching your criteria as they are uploaded

Access updates when new images are added to the site matching specific criteria

The following tags pertinent to redistribution of images are included in the RSS field:

<dc:creator> the username for attribution
<link> the url of the image page
<title> raw image title  

caution read the terms Attribution requirements for rss feeds

All feeds generated by freeimageslive are provided under a creative commons attribution license.

As per our standard image use terms images must be attributed to / {username}, the user name is included with each item in the search results. It is permissible to display the thumbnail images without attribution in search results on an external site provided that image links to the image page included in the feed, the same applies to displaying a raw feed of recent images etc, provided that each image links to the image page then each image need not display a separate text attribution. 

Note: We currently only support listing of the first 10 matches in the search feed. If you require more details please contact us for access to a customised search url.



rss search feed New Images RSS Feed

Syndicate new stock images added to the site



photographer feeds Photographer and recent uploads feeds

access an RSS feed of recent uploads by and individual photographer<username>/feed


Send visitors to images uploaded by an individual photographer at (html page)<username>

or to their photographer page at (html page)<username>


caution read the terms Bandwidth Acceptable Use

Attention is drawn to our terms and conditions for image use

10) This term only applies to sites which hotlink to our images: (i.e. you access images direct from our servers on your site choosing not to host the image yourself). Where "cut and paste code" is provided this is designed to benefit simple low use websites and forums who are unable to self host images. If you hotlink to images on our servers we operate an acceptable use limit of a peak of 10,000 image impressions per day. Excessive use of images from our server e.g. 'leeching' or hot linking to images from a very popular website (more than 1/4 million image impressions per month) may result in us blocking access from your domain.

The above limit is flexible: we block sites on an individual basis, those genuine sites which link to freeimageslive as specified and send relivant, non-robotic direct page accessing visitors are accetable; on an as needed basis such sites can generate more image impressions. Sites which leech only image files and do not link to their related freeimageslive pages will most certainly be blacklisted.


Contact us if you require any more information regarding ways to use these APIs


Exclusive Images For Registered Members

Download from a Growing Collection of 1000+ Extra images available only to Site Members

concept empty  abstract lights  desk and coffee  red brush stroke  sunset sailing and travel

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