Photo Title: Tall sword-like leaves of Mother-in-Laws Tongue
Keywords: leaves, mother-in-laws tongue, plant, sword-like, houseplant, ornamental, potted, isolated, white, sansevieria
Filename: motherinlaws_tongue.jpg
Author: gratuit
Terms of Image Use

17391 Tall sword like leaves of Mother in Laws Tongue - this image by gratuit is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
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Photo Title: Sansevieria or Mother in Laws Tongue
Keywords: copy space, leaves, mother in laws tongue sword-shaped, plant, potted, sansevieria, houseplant, isolated, on white, variegated, green and white, dracaena, snake plant, gardening, horticulture
Filename: sansevieria_copyspace.jpg
Author: gratuit
Terms of Image Use

17392 Sansevieria or Mother in Laws Tongue - this image by gratuit is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
All images on freeimageslive.co.uk are free to use on websites, printed designs or electronic media.
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Photo Title: Ornamental variegated leaves of a spider plant
Keywords: copy space, flowerpot, foliage, leaves, ornamental, potted, ribbon plant, spider plant, table, variegated, yellow, decor, houseplant, indoors, cultivation
Filename: spiderplant_copyspace.jpg
Author: gratuit
Terms of Image Use

17393 Ornamental variegated leaves of a spider plant - this image by gratuit is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
All images on freeimageslive.co.uk are free to use on websites, printed designs or electronic media.
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Photo Title: Close up on the patterned leaves of an aloe plant
Keywords: houseplant, plant, potted, cultivation, gardening, aloe, closeup, detail, leaves, toothed
Filename: aloe_closeup.jpg
Author: gratuit
Terms of Image Use

17387 Close up on the patterned leaves of an aloe plant - this image by gratuit is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
All images on freeimageslive.co.uk are free to use on websites, printed designs or electronic media.
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Photo Title: Plant in grey pot on top of wooden table
Keywords: copy space, houseplant, leaves, plant, potted, flowerpot, green, table, wall, white, aloe, medicinal, vera, cultivation, foliage
Filename: aloe_vera_copyspace.jpg
Author: gratuit
Terms of Image Use

17388 Plant in grey pot on top of wooden table - this image by gratuit is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
All images on freeimageslive.co.uk are free to use on websites, printed designs or electronic media.
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Photo Title: Aloe plant growing in a decorative white pot
Keywords: houseplant, plant, potted, cultivation, gardening, aloe, flowerpot, copy space, table, leaves
Filename: aloe_vera_with_copyspace.jpg
Author: gratuit
Terms of Image Use

17389 Aloe plant growing in a decorative white pot - this image by gratuit is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
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Cornfield with hills in the background
Cornfield with hills in the backgroundPhoto Title: Walk Humbly with God
Keywords: Bible, corn, cornfield, hills, farm, farmland
Filename: walk_humbly_with_god_5_1.jpg
Author: DFNatureAwed
Terms of Image Use

17140 Walk Humbly with God - this image by DFNatureAwed is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
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Cornfield with hills in the background
Cornfield with hills in the backgroundPhoto Title: Humillarte Ante Dios
Keywords: Bible, corn, cornfield, hills, farm, farmland
Filename: humillarte_ante_dios.jpg
Author: DFNatureAwed
Terms of Image Use

17139 Humillarte Ante Dios - this image by DFNatureAwed is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
All images on freeimageslive.co.uk are free to use on websites, printed designs or electronic media.
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Native vegetation at Lake Amistad, TX, USA
Native vegetation at Lake Amistad, TX, USAPhoto Title: Clothe Yourselves with Kindness
Keywords: Bible, inspirational, flowers, plants, water, clouds, sunset
Filename: clothe_yourselves_with_kindness.jpg
Author: DFNatureAwed
Terms of Image Use

17066 Clothe Yourselves with Kindness - this image by DFNatureAwed is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
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Native vegetation at Lake Amistad, TX, USA
Native vegetation at Lake Amistad, TX, USAPhoto Title: Vestirse de Bondad
Keywords: Bible, inspirational, flowers, plants, water, clouds, sunset
Filename: vestirse_de_bondad.jpg
Author: DFNatureAwed
Terms of Image Use

17065 Vestirse de Bondad - this image by DFNatureAwed is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
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