Recent images:
a model railway and wooden cabins
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overcast day at a beach covered in driftwood logs
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a burned out driftwood log washed up on a beach
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a pile of chopped firewood and a wheelbarrow for moving it
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moody images of a person walking along a beach on a bracing stormy day with grey sky and breaking waves - low key, concept of depression and misery
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cars parked on a carpak built in the california desert
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a panoramic image of san francisco bay
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hills lined with tall appartment buildings, san francisco
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steep hills down to the bay, san francisco, california
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historic wooden pier and the island of alcatraz, san francisco
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the city of san francisco viewed from a tall building
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an amazing view of san francisco and the bay
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the top end of lombard street, san francisco
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the lake side of the hoover dam showing water intake towers
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inlet towers and power cables at the hoover dam, arizona nevada border
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an image taken during the construction of the new hoover dam bridge
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a night time view of las vegas, nevada
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silhouette of the golden gate bridge san francisco
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a giant redwood tree you can drive through
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a view of the front of the ghirardelli chocolate factory, san francisco
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a giant sequoia tree with a hole cut in it big enough to drive a car through
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the coit town and the city of san francisco viewed from a tall building
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the golden gate bridge as seen from fort point
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looking across the golden gate bridge from the south end
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a dynamic image of san francisco at night
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famous transamerica pyramid building and san francisco downtown
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the city of san francisco on a cloudy day
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a single christmas ball hanging from a tree in washington square, san francisco
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tourists looking at the view from the top of lombard street, san francisco
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a hollow fallen tree trunk in the woods
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a giant redwood sequoia tree with a hole cut through, big enough to fit a car
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a beach covered in driftwood logs of assorted sizes
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grey cloudy day makes a depressing coastal view
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a coastal landscape with steep cliffs and small yellow flowers
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seagulls on a sandy beach
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a beach covered in driftwood logs, north california coast
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waves breaking at a beach on the north california coast
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an ominous sky over a grey ocean hororizon with black rocks and breaking waves in the foreground
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a rock arch on the north california coast
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unusual rock column standing on a beach
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